Platinum Planner Adds New Skill Tracking Options!

Please Note: The following enhancement will be added to Platinum Planner on Sunday, July 31, 2016.

When a School Administrator in Platinum Planner sets up a Course or a Class they will now see new skill options under the Skill Requirements Tab in Lab Skills, Scenario Skills and Clinical Skills tabs.

Previously, we only had a skill minimum set on each skill with a checkbox to select whether or not the skill was to be peer reviewed. Note: Peer review is only used on labs and scenarios.



Platinum Planner now has the following skill tracking options!


Skill minimums: These are now minimums set for each skill by the student’s peer and instructor. The total number of points required is equal to peer minimums plus instructor minimums. Additional instructor reviews above the minimum can count as a peer review if the student did not meet their peer review minimums.

Proficiency: How many attempts the student needs to be successful at out of so many attempts. Example: they must be successful at 3 out of 5 consecutive attempts to be considered proficient at that skill. Note: Proficiency is not connected to minimums in our program, this is just an informational data point if used, but is not required.

Sims Used/Sims Value: If sims will be used for the skill, then select the checkbox. If a sim is used, please enter the sims point value. Example: .5 is equal to half of a point each time a successful attempt has been completed by a student. Note: The new Appendix G report requires these values to be configured at your Course level for all Clinical/FI skills.

These new skill tracking options have been included where applicable in our Progress Report, National Registry Portfolio Progress Report and in our Student Patient Contact Matrix (Appendix G). Note: The old Appendix G & H have been combined by CoAEMSP and moved to our former reports tab.

We will also be releasing another article on how this will enhance our current reporting. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support Team at 616-818-7877, or at Customer Support.