Q: One of my students was accidentally accepted into the wrong course. How do I transfer them to another course?

A: In Platinum Planner, PlatinumTests, and EMSTesting, it is not possible for School Administrators or Instructors to transfer a student from one course to another. If a student is accepted into the wrong course and their enrollment fee is paid, and they then sign up for and are accepted into the correct course, the program […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, how do I share a test I’ve created with another instructor in my program?

A: To Share a test you’ve created with another instructor in your program, click on “Manage Tests” from your Instructor Home page within EMSTesting.com, and then click “edit test” to the right of the test you’d like to share. When the “Edit Test Settings” page appears, check the box marked “Share this test with other […]

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Q: Is there a way in Platinum Planner for students to cancel opportunities they have signed up for that they are unable to attend?

A: No. Only instructors have the ability to remove a student from an opportunity they are assigned to. This is primarily done to prevent students from accidentally cancelling an opportunity they did not mean to cancel, and to prevent frustration from clinical sites. For example, if 12 students signed up for ride time opportunities at […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, is there a place I can check to see if I have skills turned on at the class level that I’m requiring for the course?

A: Yes! Our programmers recently added the ability to run an audit on the skills within a course to see if there are any skills that are required for a course, but that haven’t been enabled for any classes within that course yet. To access this as a School Administrator or a Course Instructor for […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, why can’t my students sign up for an opportunity?

A: When trying to determine why a student cannot sign up for a specific opportunity, there are a few things to check: Is the opportunity associated with the correct class? If you edit the opportunity by going to “Manage Opportunities”, click “Edit” to the right of the opportunity, and go to the “Classes” tab, any […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, can my students see their questions, rationale, and the correct answers on their Computer Adaptive Tests?

A: There is not a way for students to see the correct answer and rationale on the Computer Adaptive Testing when they finish a test. There are two reasons why we do not allow students to have access to this feedback. The first is that the CAT draws from the same question bank as the […]

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Q: When setting up a class in EMSTesting, what do the different “Grade Type Descriptions” mean?

A: In the “Grade Book” tab of a class, there are 5 default categories listed under “Grade Type Descriptions”. These are Quiz, Test, Module Exam, Final Exam, and Other. To the right of these categories are “Test Pass %”(which is the score students need to meet to count as “passing”) and “% of Grade”(which is […]

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Q: My student purchased an access code for the wrong provider level from the bookstore (or online vender). Can they still use that to pay their course enrollment fee, or do they need to return it and exchange it for the correct one?

A: The answer used to be that students had to return the access code to whoever they purchased it from, as access codes have different values based on the provider level, and based on whether it is an EMSTesting.com access code or a Platinum Planner access code. There was not a way for a student […]

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Q: When creating classes in Platinum Planner for my Paramedic course, what is the difference between a “Clinical” class and a “Field Internship” class?

A: A “Clinical” class would be a class that is tracking student skill competencies in a hospital or clinical setting. This would also include ambulance time, or “Field Experience”, which CoAEMSP defines as: “Planned, scheduled, educational student time spent on an EMS unit, which may include observation and skill development, but which does not include […]

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Q: Is there a way that Platinum Planner can send out automated emails to clinical sites that show them what clinical shifts students are on?

A: Yes. As a School Administrator, if you go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the red toolbar, you can select “Manage Calendar Emails”. The “Active” tab will display all of the current and ongoing scheduled emails you have set up, while “Flagged” will show any scheduled calendar emails you have deactivated and are no longer sending. To […]

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