2015 price list

by Tom Gottschalk, COO

It is hard to believe that next semester/term is just around the corner academically speaking. Listed below are our prices for the remainder of the year.


Account Type
Annual School Membership
EMR Student
EMT Student
EMT I-85 Student
EMT I-99 Student
AEMT Student
Paramedic Student

After July 1, 2015

Current Prices
No Change
No Change
No Change


Account Type
Individual Students

After July 1, 2015
$40.00/ 12 exams

Current Prices
No Change


Account Type
Annual School Membership
EMR & EMT Student
AEMT Student
Paramedic Student

After July 1, 2015
No charge anymore

Current Prices
Until 12/1/14 was $250.00/year
No Change

Note: a special March promotion is already underway and available to programs who sponsor student’s enrollment by paying their way with school credit. Contact your regional representative for more details on this offer.