NEW FEATURES: February 2021

February 21st, 2021 Features

Create Single Opportunities

Customers have been asking for a way to create single instances of opportunities and assign students to them. Well, we went ahead and created that option for you.

Navigate to Manage Opportunities and you can select the drop-down arrow next to Add Opportunities. Select Single Opportunity. Go ahead and create the opportunity by entering in information in each text area and create.

Once created you can click the students tab and add the students you wish to be on that opportunity.

Exams Added to Classes are Visible in the Grade Book Immediately

In the past when adding exams to classes you would have to wait for at least one student to start the exam before it would post in your grade book.

That is no longer the case. As soon as you add an exam it posts immediately. It does not calculate in the overall grade, but it is now visible.

Check out the video below to see it in action!