New Features: January 7th, 2024

January 7th, 2024 Features

Remove Approved Case/Patient Ages/Types From Skill Details for Professions Not Using Those Fields

To better serve our Allied Health users, we have made some adjustments to the Skill Details sections of the progress report. We have hidden the charts and columns pertaining to information not collected during student documentation to simplify the view of the relevant data to the specific professions. Meaning, if your profession does not collect ages and type information, you won’t see a Patient or Age chart or column in the Skills Details section.

Skill Details

Skill Details

Alphabetizing Shared Site Roles

Some of our users have multiple Shared Site user roles associated with their accounts. Previously, on the Dashboard those roles were listed in order of creation. We are now listing them in alphabetical order in attempts to help users find their intended selection quicker.

Dashboard Planner Roles

Convert Respiratory Care Classification “Competency (initial)” to “Practice (initial)”

To be more consistent with the terminology used by our Respiratory Care users, we changed the name of the classification of some of our Respiratory Care skills. The classification “Competency (initial)” has been changed to “Practice (initial)”.

Skill Classification Display Toggle