New Features: April 21st, 2024

April 21st, 2024 Features

Alerts for Fail or Low Performance on Student Evals

There is a new clinical and field internship class setting available for EMS courses using Platinum Planner, Allow Student Low Performance Notifications. When checked you will see an additional Low Performance Benchmark Percent field where you will enter the minimum percentage of acceptable performance for your students when they are being evaluated using our default affective evaluation. When students achieve a percentage on the form below that benchmark, instructors will see a call out on their instructor home page and a new Low Performance tab on their Instructor – Manage Student Opportunity Documentation data table, displaying the shifts where students scored below the set percentage.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Individual Student Grade Book Export

We have updated the export of Show Test Details for the EMSTesting and Platinum Tests Gradebook to respect the Zoom-in tool. If you are viewing a single student’s scores and use the export, the file you will generate will only display the isolated student rather than the whole class.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Director – Course Requirements

We have updated the view of Courses Pending Review for the Medical Director role in Platinum Planner. We added the Sims Allowed and Max columns created for SMC23 courses. Additionally, we added the Clinical Hour Requirements (Optional) setting from the course’s hour requirements tab.

Skills Requirements - Clinical Skills - Sims Allowed and Max

Hours Requirements - Clinical Hour Requirements