Q: I noticed there were some new buttons in the “Test Questions” tab when I’m building a test in EMSTesting.com. What do these do?

A: Our programmers have been hard at work making updates for the test creation piece in EMSTesting.com, and they’ve actually added quite a few new options. To the left of your questions you should notice a blank check box. If you select that box, the “remove selected” button above the first question will be enabled. In this way you can select multiple questions on a test and quickly do a mass question delete.

To the right of the questions, the “replace question” and “remove question” buttons have been changed to a button called “Replace” with a drop-down box to the right of it. If you select “Replace” it will still replace the question with another question from the same question criteria the original question came from, but selecting the drop-down box will open up some new options as well.

“Choose” will bring up a pop-up window with five new questions drawn from the same search criteria as the original question. You can click on the question text to expand the question, and if it is a question you want to use instead of the original, click the “Choose” button to the right of that question. If you don’t like any of the five questions the program has brought up as possible replacements, close the pop-up, select “Choose” again, and five more questions will be available.

“Remove” works the same way it did previously, and will simply remove that question from your test.

“Exclude” will remove the question from the test, and put it on a list of questions that cannot be added back on to this test. In that way, if you’re repeatedly replacing questions on your test, the same questions you’ve excluded won’t appear repeatedly.

“Ban” will remove the question from your test, but will also make sure this question can NEVER be added to a new test that you create. This can be helpful if you find a question that contradicts local protocol that you’ll never want to use, but please use it cautiously, as there is currently not a way to un-Ban a question at this time.

If you have any additional questions/comments do not hesitate to Contact Customer Support, or via phone at 616-818-7877.