Q: In Platinum Planner, when my students sign up for EMS clinical opportunities, a new message appears next to the “Category” saying: “EMS – These are intended for EMS ride along time aka Field Experience and not Field Internship”. What does that mean?

A: Our programmers have recently updated the website to allow Field Internship Capstone hours to be tracked separately from standard field experience, or “EMS” hours.

To adjust your hour requirement settings, simply log into the site and make sure your role is set to “School Administrator” or “School User”. Then go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the black toolbar and select “Manage School Courses”.

Now select “Edit” to the right of a course you’d like to track Field Internship Capstone hours separately from standard EMS Field hours, and choose the “Hours Requirement” tab.

If the hour category of “EMS Field Internship” isn’t displaying initially, select the “All” button to the right under “Display Only”. You can now add in the number of Field Internship Capstone hours required by students to meet their graduation requirements under “EMS Field Internship”, and subtract hours from the “EMS” category if necessary.

Just remember when setting up clinical opportunities to select “EMS Field Internship” as the category for Field Internship Capstone opportunities in the future, and you should be all set!

If you have any additional questions/comments do not hesitate to Contact Customer Support, or via phone at 616-818-7877.