Overlooked EMSTesting Gems

This article was published in the August 2016 newsletter by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator

As you navigate around EMSTesting I am willing to bet you fly by some buttons you may find interesting but don’t have a chance to click on them. Below are a few buttons, tabs, and widgets worth exploring while online in EMSTesting (and not chasing the Pokémon thingies).

Exhibit A. Export answers to excel

Often utilized by instructors trying to identify specific details about student’s test taking experience. Here instructors can verify things like time on tasks or investigate suspicions of cheating.

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Exhibit B. The hide/edit button of the gradebook

It is how you can modify an exam grade or override a score. Frequently used by instructors to add extra credit to test score or insert retest grade. NOTICE: a green asterisk (*) will appear next to the score indicating a manual override was made in our grade books when finished.

Exhibit C. Report tab

Allows teacher to check the wellness of a class. With clicks of the mouse, EMSTesting shows trends as a class by subject or module for computer based and adaptive testing.

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Exhibit D. Group Testing

EMSTesting’s Group Testing feature is currently in a limited group beta test phase. Group Testing allows you to offer an exam like a game show. Whether you want to start your class off with a warm up exercise or put on a friendly competition that encourages critical thinking among the students.


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Exhibit E. ? Help

Last but certainly not least. The enhanced ?Help button located on the bottom right of all our pages gets you connected with world class customer care. From question like “How do I…?” or “What does it mean if I …..?”, Platinum has got you covered via our Zendesk help desk, where you will have access to an answer on your own or from a live person. With excellent customer service rating, you can’t go wrong.

Want to know more? Just ask, we would be glad to help at tom@platinumed.com