Q: I received a message that a student has requested enrollment in my class in EMSTesting.com and that I should log in to accept them, but when I go to my class the student name is not listed there. Where did they go?

This article was previously published in our February 2014 Newsletter by David Smith, Customer Advocate

Q: I received a message that a student has requested enrollment in my class in EMSTesting.com and that I should log in to accept them, but when I go to my class the student name is not listed there. Where did they go?

A: When a student enrolls in a class an email is automatically generated and sent to the instructor of the class letting them know of the student’s intent. But we also gave the students the ability to change their enrollment application to a different class before they were accepted, to save instructors the trouble of denying students who don’t belong in a class.

If a student applied for your class, but isn’t showing up as a pending student, this is the most likely case. The other possibility is that they’ve deleted their enrollment request altogether(which we also give them the option to do). The situation is rare where a student wants to delete their enrollment request entirely, but the button for this is on the far-right of the screen near the bottom, and students can have a tendency to click the button without actually reading it because of its position on the screen.

In either case, it does not then send the instructor an email letting them know that the student has changed their mind, as the student could repeat this procedure endlessly. This would generate a very large number of emails for the instructor and potentially decrease their levels of sanity drastically.