NEW FEATURES: December/January 2018

Platinum Planner New Features

Form Defaults
Schools using Platinum Planner can decide if they want to use the system form defaults or not. This option is disabled by default, meaning you must check the checkbox for “Ignore form defaults” when editing a course.


Report Upgrades
Platinum has upgraded some of our reporting for Platinum Planner!

Affective Site Evaluation Report: Now includes the option to hide student names when sending comments to sites. Several schools like to send report feedback to sites anonymously.


General Report: This report was updated so it loads faster and is more responsive to users!


Expanded Programs
Platinum Planner now offers separated EMT and EMR courses! EMR courses are now available at a lower price point!


Update of Grids
Platinum Planner has many grids or tables of information that we use on all user roles. We have recently updated these grids so they are more “responsive”. We have also included the ability to “save your grid view” state. This means that when you customize grid columns or sort views, the program automatically saves that view state (using cookies).


We also added the ability to do “multiple column sorts” on grids. To do this, just click the “shift” key and select the desired column header(s) to sort multiple columns!

Testing New Features

Platinum has improved randomization of questions for “Group Testing” when testing by curriculum.
