Attention! Please read before setting up your next Paramedic Cohort

Platinum has good news for accredited EMS, Paramedic programs who use Platinum Planner and wish to integrate CoAEMSP’s new method of reporting student’s minimum competencies (new Appendix G format). Schools may now begin building their paramedic courses and setting up classes that permit the new way of skills tracking and reporting. As you may already know, this update is intended to act like an accompaniment to the National Registry Portfolio.

The Platinum team made a big decision to move to the newest way of monitoring student progress well before the July 1, 2019 CoAEMSP deadline. This was done in an effort to provide all concerned the opportunity to work within this program prior to the official implementation date. We feel we have a responsibility to advise all of our school administrators the best we can through this process.

We also want to be transparent with our customers and let them know that the new changes are a work in progress due to interpretation and clarification. Adjustments are still occurring as well as modifications that may be necessary before real world application. At this time, we want you to know that our team is working extremely hard to make sure we properly point all skills and procedures to the right place, the right way, and at the right time. This is all done with the goal in mind of not making this process more difficult. With that said, we anticipate continual changes and tweaks until the mandatory deadline of July 1, 2019.

We encourage schools to thoroughly evaluate the materials being shared by CoAEMSP so that they can become familiar with the objectives. Like all big choices, engage your advisory board, Medical Director, and other key players before you make the move. When you decide you are ready, we strongly encourage you to utilize our template for your next course creation or look at utilizing our unique import excel tool to make life easier for you.

In the meantime, if you have questions, comments or observations feel free to reach out to us. We are just a click, call, or email away. Plus, we are offering complementary workshops around the country to support our valuable clients mission of teaching excellent healthcare providers. We are here to help!

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Appendix G Workshops: