NEW FEATURES: March 2019 Forms and Documents Location Change, Breaks, Sentinel Events and more…

Forms and Documents location has changed! Slightly!

Located in the menu bar within Platinum Planner Instructors could go to Labs and select My Lab Documents. That has been removed. Now Instructors will navigate to Classes/Students and click Manage My Classes. Then select Details, and then the Skills tab. This is where all the documents and forms can be found for the skills that are turned on in the class.

Students also can access this in My Classes and selecting Details just like the instructor.

High Stakes Exams Update to Results!

In order to provide better security and to protect the validity of our High Stakes assessments, we are removing the availability of Level 4 Feedback for students. Instructors will continue to have access to this information. Level 4 Feedback for content from our primary bank will continue to be available for students. Recognizing that the security and validity of our primary bank is essential as well, we will be implementing a time limit on how long the Level 4 Feedback on content from the primary bank can remain visible to the student. We remain committed to providing you with the highest quality and most valid testing content available.

Check out the new feature in action!

March 24th 2019 Clinical and Live Skills in Scenarios

Clinical and Live Skills in Scenarios!

We have had a number of instructors request this. Basically, this is a solution to when instructors use a simulation to satisfy a clinical requirement.

When documenting clinical skills in a scenario, the skills will automatically count as a simulation point. Make sure to set your simulation values at the course and class level so reporting runs smoothly.

Check out the new feature in action!

March 17th 2019 Sentinel Events

Sentinel Events!

Sentinel events are intended to Signal the need for immediate investigation and response.

School administrators can set these events to trigger by navigating to Options and selecting Manage Sentinel Event Settings. Then they can add Chief Complaints and Skills for the Clinical setting.

After that a student can trigger the event and a message is sent to the instructor notifying them of this event.

Preceptors can also trigger this event when reviewing student documentation.

Check out Sentinel Events in Action!

Break Times!

Our newest feature added to the Student Role is Break Times!

Break Times are located within clinical documentation that will allow students to select time ranges indicating they were on a break during that specific time period.

This is located in the Information tab and then selecting the Attendance tab within. Once in there the student can select +Add Break. Enter their times and submit.

After the documentation has been submitted. The instructor and the preceptor can view the break times within the documentation and approve as necessary.

Once approved, the time that was marked as break times will be removed from the total time of the shift. For example: 8 hour shift – 1 hour break = 7 hours total and this will reflect in the progress reports.

Check out Break Times in Action!

March 3rd 2019 Cloning Form Fields

Creating Custom Forms Allow Users to Clone Fields Now!

Now, when working with Custom Forms as a School Administrator or Instructor there is a new option that can clone the fields to speed up the building process.

After adding in the field and adjusting the text or fields to your satisfaction. You will notice a small blue button that looks like two pages on top each other. When clicked, it will copy that entire field as a new field within the form.

Check out the video below to see it in action!