Thank you for joining us at the APSCU 2015 Annual Convention!


Doug Smith with Jay Clayton, our drawing winner!


Convention speaker was Newt Gingrich


Denver is so beautiful!



It was a pleasure and an honor to meet so many of you in Denver on the first week of June! This was our team’s first attendance at the annual APSCU convention and we learned quite a bit about this great event and the wonderful people that attend.

We were also honored to announce our new Allied Health online software program that brings students, instructors, school administration, and clinical sites together for stress free scheduling and skills tracking. The software program, called, is accreditation compliant for all allied health industries. It can schedule any program including, but not limited to:

Dental Assistant
Respiratory Care Technician

Surgical Technician

Medical Assistant
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Pharmacy Technician provides online organization, control, and peace of mind. In other words, it makes your instructors’ and your students’ lives less difficult!

This program is essential for Allied Health Training Institutes. Improve your school’s production by:

  • Scheduling students more efficiently, therefore saving schools time and resources.
  • Measuring the impact of training.
  • Evaluating students objectively.
  • Documenting program experiences with ease.
  • Scheduling for clinicals, labs, and externships in less time with fewer hassles.

Experience our industry leading 97% customer satisfaction rate with an average response time of less than 1 hour, seven days a week! Join our growing list of satisfied customers and make your program more successful today. Below is a 90 second overview of our scheduling and skills tracking program.

Instructors, quit wasting your valuable time scheduling with pencil and paper! Give us a call today to see how Platinum Planner can make your platform easier, more efficient, and less time consuming!

If you would like a more in depth 30 minute demo, have a question, or would like a free trial of Platinum Planner for your Allied Health program, then give us a call today at 616-818-7877 or email us at!

Our team looks forward to working with you to help you make the difficult easy!

Hope to see you all next year!