EMSTesting Assessment Testing is a series of assessments designed to measure students' knowledge in specific areas. It also helps instructors gauge their students understanding while enrolled in an EMS certification program.

​​​​EMSTesting Assessments Testing has always been available to students subscribing to a class as part of a school in EMSTesting. Due to our customer's requests to have the assessments available outside of their classes, we offer the ability for students that are part of a school to take only the assessment tests in EMSTesting. This allows students and instructors to access knowledge in certain areas before committing to our full program.​
During the student enrollment process, schools can choose whether to enroll a student in admissions testing only or the full class.
Admissions testing costs $5 and is not applied to the full enrollment cost.​
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support Team or call 616-818-7877.