Q: All of the times in EMSTesting.com are set to Eastern Time. Is there a way to set the time zones to my local time?

A: Actually, now there is! Time zone support was recently added in to EMSTesting.com at multiple levels. At the School Administrator level, school administrators can go up to the “Subscription” button near the top-left of the page, and select the time zone for the school. This will propagate the change throughout the school and set […]

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Join us at the 2015 South Carolina Emergency Care Symposium

616-818-7877 sales@platinumed.com On behalf of Platinum Educational Group we would like you to visit us at the 2015 South Carolina Emergency Care Symposium on February 26th to the 28th, 2015. If you are not already familiar with our sites, let us introduce you to EMSTesting.com and PlatinumPlanner.com. If you would like to learn more about […]

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Hello EMS Instructors and Program Directors!

by John Zimmer, Client Relations Manager One of my functions here at Platinum Educational Group, is to conduct “audits” of how our clients use our two programs – EMSTesting and Platinum Planner. We have started these audits so ensure our clients are using our programs to their fullest while increasing our clients’ overall satisfaction in […]

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Q: My card does not work, what can I do?

by Tom Gottschalk, COO A: Routinely our customer service advocates manage help requests that begin with something like, “My card does not work” via our Zendesk support portal. This particular report often can be broken down into four main categories when we discover what you really mean by that statement. The candidate is using a […]

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Why Replace a Paper Based Scheduling/Skill Tracking System?

by the Sales Team Accreditation requirements should not be your only reason to adopt an online solution for scheduling and skill tracking. Consider replacing your current paper based system with an efficient and proven scheduling and skill tracking software solution. You have several options and should take the time to review them to see what […]

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Q: I added skills to my Course in PlatinumPlanner.com but my students cannot find them in an opportunity or lab?

by David Smith, Customer Service Advocate A: If you are certain that you added the skills to the course, then check to make certain you also added the skills to the class. Go to “edit class” and click on “display all” in the upper right corner of your screen. You will then have access to […]

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