Q: One of my students was accidentally accepted into the wrong course. How do I transfer them to another course?

A: In Platinum Planner, PlatinumTests, and EMSTesting, it is not possible for School Administrators or Instructors to transfer a student from one course to another. If a student is accepted into the wrong course and their enrollment fee is paid, and they then sign up for and are accepted into the correct course, the program […]

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2018 EMS, Allied Health and Nursing Scholarships Awarded

Mumtaaz “Taaz” Allen The 2018 EMS scholarship was awarded to student Mumtaaz “Taaz” Allen. Mrs. Allen is enrolled in Dakota College’s Paramedic program located in Bottineau, North Dakota. Taaz dutifully supported her husband’s military career while raising their son. When the opportunity to be involved in emergency medical services arrived, she jumped at it. “I […]

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Platinum Announces Collaboration with Hudson Simulation Services

As a leader in EMS education, Platinum Educational Group provides the highest quality instructional tools and resources at an affordable cost. These resources include testing, scheduling, and reporting, but also simulation, moulage workshops, and scenario-based aids as well. Platinum is pleased to announce its new collaboration with Hudson Simulation Services (HSS), developers of the SimVS […]

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Attention! Please read before setting up your next Paramedic Cohort

Platinum has good news for accredited EMS, Paramedic programs who use Platinum Planner and wish to integrate CoAEMSP’s new method of reporting student’s minimum competencies (new Appendix G format). Schools may now begin building their paramedic courses and setting up classes that permit the new way of skills tracking and reporting. As you may already […]

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