Primum Non Nocere – First do no harm

This article was originally published in the November 2017 newlsetter by John Spencer/Customer Service Manager, Lead Medical Educator Listen carefully, do you hear it? Can you hear the cries for help? If not, listen a little more closely. It is the voice of our industry calling out in desperation, pleading for help because it has […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, can my students see their questions, rationale, and the correct answers on their Computer Adaptive Tests?

A: There is not a way for students to see the correct answer and rationale on the Computer Adaptive Testing when they finish a test. There are two reasons why we do not allow students to have access to this feedback. The first is that the CAT draws from the same question bank as the […]

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National Online Software Leaders Work Together to Meet Technical Colleges and Higher Education Institutional Needs

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. – As a leader in assessment, clinical tracking, scheduling, and reporting for nursing, allied health, and EMS institutions, Platinum Educational Group understands the importance of keeping track of students’ needs on one online platform. This also includes background checking and screening. Platinum is pleased to announce its new collaboration with Corporate Screening, […]

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2017 EMS, Nursing, & Allied Health Student Scholarships Recap and Awardee Announcement!

Platinum would like to thank all the students that took the time and effort to apply for our student scholarships. There were so many great essays to choose from! But, in the end, three students rose above and were rewarded. The 2017 scholarship awardees are: EMS: Ethel Ventura, When Seconds Count Program, MA Nursing: Peggy […]

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How do I add classes in EMSTesting/PlatinumTests?

As of August 6, 2017, the ability to create classes has been removed from the Instructor role and added to the School Administrator role as part of the Unified Course/Class creation between all Platinum Educational Group products. To add a class as a School Administrator, go to your course listing on the my.platinumed dashboard and […]

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The Truth in Validity

The subject of testing validity comes up quite a bit in the EMS education industry. It’s a topic of tremendous importance because it descends from honesty and integrity. These are ideals held important to us in the EMS Education field. It is particularly significant to Platinum Educational Group, as it is the backbone of our […]

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Self-Motivation: How Can I Teach it to My Students?

This article was originally posted in our July 2017 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator When I began doing my research for this month’s article, I opened the old google machine and asked it about self-motivation. This is what it spat out. “Wake up with determination, and go to bed with satisfaction.” “It is […]

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Why can’t I get feedback on Platinum CAT exams? (Ah, but you can!)

This article was originally posted in our July 2017 Newsletter, by Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator Students often mention that on the CAT exams they do not receive any feedback. We demonstrated in the past (Sept. 2014 ) that we do provide a tremendous amount of constructive feedback to the students regarding weak and strong […]

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Q: When setting up a class in EMSTesting, what do the different “Grade Type Descriptions” mean?

A: In the “Grade Book” tab of a class, there are 5 default categories listed under “Grade Type Descriptions”. These are Quiz, Test, Module Exam, Final Exam, and Other. To the right of these categories are “Test Pass %”(which is the score students need to meet to count as “passing”) and “% of Grade”(which is […]

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Q: My student purchased an access code for the wrong provider level from the bookstore (or online vender). Can they still use that to pay their course enrollment fee, or do they need to return it and exchange it for the correct one?

A: The answer used to be that students had to return the access code to whoever they purchased it from, as access codes have different values based on the provider level, and based on whether it is an access code or a Platinum Planner access code. There was not a way for a student […]

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