2016 EMS, Nursing, & Allied Health Scholarships Recap and Awardee Announcement!

WOW! We received quite the response from our 2nd Annual Scholarships Program! With this year’s award’s being expanded to include Nursing and Allied Health programs, more than 100 different schools were represented for the three $1000 awards! Platinum would like to thank all the students that took the time and effort to apply. There were […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, how do I change my password?

A: Before the Single Sign-On update, once you logged into Platinum Planner all you would need to do is go to My Account near the top-right of the page and you could enter a new password there. Now that accounts are linked in both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner, you need to go to my.platinumed.com to […]

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Q: I used to have accounts in both Platinum Planner and EMSTesting. When I log in now though on my dashboard it only shows one of the two programs. Why can’t I access my account for the other program?

A: The impetus behind the Single Sign-On update was to allow users to access both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner accounts by just logging in once with a single email address and password. The way we did this was by linking together accounts that had the same email address, since email addresses are unique and names […]

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PEG Single Sign-In Feature is now live

Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce to our customers its upcoming single sign-in feature for all our products! This change will occur on the morning of Sunday, July 3rd, 2016. The single sign-in feature will allow you to have access to all of Platinum Educational Group’s products with one email and password. Once you […]

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Congratulations to Lenoir Community College!

Platinum Educational Group would like to congratulate Lenoir Community College for it’s EMS program ranking third in the Country! They received an incredible write up from EMSWorld and BestColleges.com. http://www.emsworld.com/news/12218587/lenoir-community-college-ems-program-ranked-third-in-the-country http://www.bestcolleges.com/features/best-online-emt-programs/ […]

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$50 Credit to our Valued Customers in Celebration of National EMS Week!

This week we celebrate all of our brothers and sisters in EMS! Our company was founded by two paramedics – Doug Smith and Tom Gottschalk. These “two dudes” formed Platinum Educational Group in 2002 traveling the country and selling validated paper final exams. The paper tests evolved into what is known as EMSTesting and then […]

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All of our Products. One Single Sign-in.

This article was published in our May 2016 Newsletter, by the Dev Team Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce to our customers its upcoming single sign-in feature for all our products! The single sign-in feature will allow you to have access to all of Platinum Educational Group’s products with one email and password. Once […]

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Our Customer Service Team – Excellence Personified

This article was published in our May 2016 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO If we asked our customers five years ago what they envisioned Platinum Educational Group as, they would have likely had two perspectives. The first was that there were these two guys (Doug and Tom) who owned and operated a software company in […]

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FERPA – Understanding the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act

I will begin with a confession to our readers. I was never fully aware of the FERPA guidelines until long after the peak of my teaching time in the initial education setting. Granted in retrospect I obeyed them in the academic and private secondary environment, but I did not know the Why’s. I was just […]

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Does your program need access cards?

It’s that busy time of year again! Many programs still need to get EMSTesting.com or Platinum Planner access. There are three ways students can gain access into our programs: 1. EMS programs can purchase student access credit or cards directly through Platinum Educational Group; then the students reimburse through tuition or lab costs. 2. Students […]

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