NEW FEATURES: December 2019 Site Managers, Supervisors, Shared Site Users and Notifications

Class Hour Requirements Class Hour Requirements is a new tracking system that tracks class hours. This is available in all program types like Pharmacy, EMS, and the other programs we offer. If you are a school administrator in Platinum Planner. You can login to your dashboard. Edit or create a course, enable planner, select hours […]

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NEW FEATURES: November 3rd, 2019

Mark Attendance Select All To help users mark attendance slightly faster we have made the characters P, T, A, & X clickable which will marks students all Present, Tardy, Absent or Excused. Instructors can request permission access We recently updated the site to allow school admins to set permissions on instructors accounts restricting access to […]

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NEW FEATURES: October 2019 Help Videos for EMSTesting and Scenario Updates, School Admin Instructor Permissions and Help Videos for Platinum Planner, Student Audit Logs and Clinical Updates

Help Videos for EMSTesting!! We have heard from our customers they would like some easy to access help videos. So we added them to the site. Located in EMSTesting within the School Admin, Instructor and Student role below the messages section. You can click the new links guiding you to the Help Videos. Scenario Updates! […]

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NEW FEATURES: September 2019 Speed up clinical skill selection, Change Lab Due Dates & Ability to Disable our Skill Forms

Speed up clinical skill selection As many students and instructors know, skill selection takes time when documenting opportunities. Hopefully we made this easier for the student by adding a couple of new features within the Patients Tab/Add Patient. Once this window is open and a student adds a skill, they will notice next to the […]

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NEW FEATURES: August 2019 Manage Class Update, Scenario Updates, Due Dates can be Changed & Student Reference ID

Manage Class Update As a School Administrator if you Manage your course, edit your course, navigate to the Platinum Planner tab and edit a clinical/field internship class type you will notice 3 new options. Allow students to observe patients after a preceptor has signed documentation Allow students to upload documents after a preceptor has signed […]

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