2018 EMS, Allied Health and Nursing Scholarships Awarded

Mumtaaz “Taaz” Allen The 2018 EMS scholarship was awarded to student Mumtaaz “Taaz” Allen. Mrs. Allen is enrolled in Dakota College’s Paramedic program located in Bottineau, North Dakota. Taaz dutifully supported her husband’s military career while raising their son. When the opportunity to be involved in emergency medical services arrived, she jumped at it. “I […]

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Platinum Announces Collaboration with Hudson Simulation Services

As a leader in EMS education, Platinum Educational Group provides the highest quality instructional tools and resources at an affordable cost. These resources include testing, scheduling, and reporting, but also simulation, moulage workshops, and scenario-based aids as well. Platinum is pleased to announce its new collaboration with Hudson Simulation Services (HSS), developers of the SimVS […]

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Appendix G Update from Platinum Educational Group

Platinum Planner revamps are well underway to accommodate the Student Minimum Competency Matrix and CoAEMSP recommended competency minimums! On July 1, 2018 our development team will be implementing the first phase of skills tracking and scheduling improvements that will enable reporting under the new G format required by CAAHEP for accredited EMS, Paramedic programs. As […]

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Preparing and Identifying Candidates: Formative Vs. Summative Exams

By Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator Allied Health, EMS and Nurse educators are tasked with preparing and identifying candidates who are qualified for their chosen profession. Plus, they are mandated to assure their learners can pass their credentialing exams the first time. One of the ways a program can confirm that they have met their […]

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NEW FEATURES: April 2018

April 7th Age Groups Platinum Appendix G We have heard your requests in regards to more flexibility to age groups and how they count when students enter in patients. Now when a new course is created in Platinum Planner, they will default to the Platinum Appendix G Age Group. This will allow students to enter […]

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2018 Student Scholarships for EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health Programs!

Platinum Educational Group, the Testing, Scheduling, and Skills Tracking Experts, understands the struggles and obstacles that are presented to students obtaining higher education in the healthcare industries. In 2015, Platinum Educational Group launched its inaugural scholarships program geared at EMS students. In 2016, the company expanded its product line to include the Nursing and Allied […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, how do I share a test I’ve created with another instructor in my program?

A: To Share a test you’ve created with another instructor in your program, click on “Manage Tests” from your Instructor Home page within EMSTesting.com, and then click “edit test” to the right of the test you’d like to share. When the “Edit Test Settings” page appears, check the box marked “Share this test with other […]

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How Do I Best Use the Curricula?

By Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator EMSTesting uses four different curricula. We will be reducing the curricula to three, eliminating the NR2011. I will explain more below: NR2011 The NR 2011 is the National Registry Practice Analysis that was released in 2011. This should no longer be used at all and we plan on removing […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, can my students see their questions, rationale, and the correct answers on their Computer Adaptive Tests?

A: There is not a way for students to see the correct answer and rationale on the Computer Adaptive Testing when they finish a test. There are two reasons why we do not allow students to have access to this feedback. The first is that the CAT draws from the same question bank as the […]

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How do I add classes in EMSTesting/PlatinumTests?

As of August 6, 2017, the ability to create classes has been removed from the Instructor role and added to the School Administrator role as part of the Unified Course/Class creation between all Platinum Educational Group products. To add a class as a School Administrator, go to your course listing on the my.platinumed dashboard and […]

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