The Truth in Validity

The subject of testing validity comes up quite a bit in the EMS education industry. It’s a topic of tremendous importance because it descends from honesty and integrity. These are ideals held important to us in the EMS Education field. It is particularly significant to Platinum Educational Group, as it is the backbone of our […]

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Why can’t I get feedback on Platinum CAT exams? (Ah, but you can!)

This article was originally posted in our July 2017 Newsletter, by Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator Students often mention that on the CAT exams they do not receive any feedback. We demonstrated in the past (Sept. 2014 ) that we do provide a tremendous amount of constructive feedback to the students regarding weak and strong […]

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Q: When setting up a class in EMSTesting, what do the different “Grade Type Descriptions” mean?

A: In the “Grade Book” tab of a class, there are 5 default categories listed under “Grade Type Descriptions”. These are Quiz, Test, Module Exam, Final Exam, and Other. To the right of these categories are “Test Pass %”(which is the score students need to meet to count as “passing”) and “% of Grade”(which is […]

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Truth Telling in Healthcare

This article was originally posted in our April 2017 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator As an EMS instructor/coordinator I can honestly say that the task of taking new candidates from civilian life to qualified EMS providers is an enormous undertaking. Whether we are training an academy of Emergency Medical Responders for police work […]

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Maximize Training Evaluation: Working Smarter Not Harder

This article was originally posted in our April 2017 Newsletter, by John Spencer, Customer Support Manager, Lead Medical Educator Psychomotor skill evaluations have been a part of EMS education for years, and historically these skills have all been evaluated by instructors and lab preceptors. Of course, only a veteran EMS instructor possesses the ability to […]

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Addressing the Third Leading Cause of Death in the United States

This article was originally posted in our April 2017 Newsletter, by Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator What is the third leading cause of death in the US. Is it cardiovascular disease or cancer? No, those are numbers 1 and 2 respectively killing 614,348 and 591,699 in 2014 per the CDC. Is it COPD or accidents […]

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Q: Is there a way that Platinum Planner can send out automated emails to clinical sites that show them what clinical shifts students are on?

A: Yes. As a School Administrator, if you go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the red toolbar, you can select “Manage Calendar Emails”. The “Active” tab will display all of the current and ongoing scheduled emails you have set up, while “Flagged” will show any scheduled calendar emails you have deactivated and are no longer sending. To […]

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2017 Student Scholarships for EMS, Nursing, and Allied Health Programs!

Platinum Educational Group understands the struggles and obstacles that are presented to students obtaining higher education in the healthcare industries. In 2015, Platinum Educational Group launched its inaugural scholarships program geared at EMS students. In 2016, the company has expanded its product line to include Nursing and Allied health fields. Platinum is proud to continue […]

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NEW FEATURE: Module Based Testing

As of January 29th, 2017 the module based testing feature has been introduced to The first modular test that has been realeased is EMT Shock & Trauma (ST). This test has been added and is available for piloting. There is also a new grade book category added titled “Module Exam”, which is defaulted to […]

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The Difficult Task of Allied Health Educators: Preparing Students for the Real World

This article was originally posted in our February 2017 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator Allied health educators are some of the most gifted people, and I feel privileged to know some of them. They are tasked to teach new inexperienced students the skills required to work in an ever-changing health care environment, often […]

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