Q: I’m confused and need help, how do I get it?

This article was published in our February 2014 Newsletter, by Ryan Krebs, PlatinumPlanner.com Customer Advocate Q: I’m confused and need help, how do I get it? A: The quickest and most reliable way to receive help is to use the help button located on the left hand side of all screens. By clicking on the […]

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Q: Batch edit, what is it? How do I use it? (PlatinumPlanner.com)

This article was published in our February 2014 Newsletter, by Ryan Krebs, PlatinumPlanner.com Customer Advocate Q: Batch edit, what is it? How do I use it? Batch edit is a newer feature that allows users to make mass edits/deletions. The mass edit button can be found within the Teacher role, on the My Opportunities page […]

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