Q: How do I share a test I’ve created with another instructor in my program? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our May 2013 Newsletter by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate

Q: How do I share a test I’ve created with another instructor in my program?

A: To Share a test you’ve created with another instructor in your program, click on “Edit My Tests” and then click “edit” to the right of the test you’d like to share. When the “Test Settings” page appears, check the box marked “Share This Test” and then click “update test settings” on the lower right of the page. This test is now shareable with any other instructor at your institution.

In order to access a shared test from another instructor, you will begin by clicking “Edit My Tests” and then clicking “[+] New Test”. The first thing you will then do is select the provider level of the test you’d like to have access to, and choose the test type that matches up to the original shared test. Immediately to the right of the “Test Type” drop-down should appear the “Import Test From” drop-down. Here you will see a list of all shared tests in your school that match up to the provider level and test type you’ve selected.
Click the test you’d like a copy of and then confirm that you want to import the test. You now have an identical copy of the original shared test. You can modify the name and title if you wish, as well as put in any additional instructions for the students. When you’re finished, click the “update test settings” button and you now have a copy of the original test that you can administer in your classes.

That’s just a couple of the questions people have when using the site. Do you have others? If so, let us know! You can contact us with questions by phone at 616-818-7877, by email at dave@platinumed.com, or by clicking “Request Help” on your instructor or administrator home pages.