New Features: August 20th, 2023

August 20th, 2023 Features


Change Hours Category Without Change in Documentation Status

Now when instructors are viewing student’s documentation via their Instructor – Manage Student Opportunity Documentation data table, they will be able to adjust the Category without having to change the status of the documentation or adding a note. We have also expanded this behavior to all shifts, previously the option to adjust the clinical hours category via documentation was only possible for Shared Site shifts.

Check out the video below to see it in action!


Make Creation of Demo Student Accounts Optional and Consistent

School and Course Administrators now have more control over whether they would like to have a demo student account enrolled in their classes or not. For EMSTesting and Platinum Tests we will no longer add Demo Student accounts immediately. Admins will use the new Demo Student tabs to assign the Demo accounts to classes for the instructors. We have also added the [Demo] indicators to those demo student roles in EMSTesting and Platinum Tests to be in line with the previous adjustments made to Platinum Planner.

Check out the video below to see it in action!