New Features: August 21st, 2022

August 21st, 2022 Features

highlight check-in/out discrepancies when reviewing documentation  

We have now added the ability to set a check-in/out early and late range. In other words in the settings of a clinical class, you can set how early or late a student can check in or how early/late a student can check out of their clinical. In addition to this if there are any discrepancies with the student checking in or out, outside of those ranges it will be highlighted in the opportunity when reviewing on the instructor side.

Ability to block off times on shared-site schedules  

Shared sites will now have the ability to add 3rd party visitors which will automatically block off the times desired. From the home page of the shared site user, there will be a schedule tab at the bottom, in which a user can directly add a visitor to a schedule. You will be prompted to add the school/organization, their name, email, phone number, and finally the times of the shift.

Check out the video below to see it in action!