NEW FEATURES: December 2019 Site Managers, Supervisors, Shared Site Users and Notifications

Class Hour Requirements

Class Hour Requirements is a new tracking system that tracks class hours.

This is available in all program types like Pharmacy, EMS, and the other programs we offer.

If you are a school administrator in Platinum Planner. You can login to your dashboard. Edit or create a course, enable planner, select hours requirements and you will see a new section class hours requirements.

If it is a new course there won’t be any requirements available yet as they are based on the classes created. So after a class has been created you can come back to this page and add a class requirement.

We also updated the progress reports to reflect the new fields as well.

Note** these class hours requirements are optional to set.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

School Clinical Site Managers and Shared Site Managers Notifications Update

We have made an update that may be useful to some schools. If you have a clinical site manage role, clinical site supervisor role, or a shared site user role you will notice a new checkbox toward the bottom right of the Platinum Planner homepage.

Email me when a student is removed from an opportunity.

If selected and an instructor removes a student from a shift with the Location and Site matching the roles above in their settings. They will get an email letting them know the student was removed from that shift.
I would recommend the video below.

Check out the video below to see it in action!