New Features: February 11th, 2024

February 11th, 2024 Features


Add Certification or Credential # for Preceptors

Now when School Administrators or Instructors with access permissions are adding or editing Preceptors or Clinical Instructors, they will see an additional field, License/Reference #. This field isn’t a new field, it is the same Reference Id field that exists for all user accounts but having it accessible via the Edit Preceptor Account pages allows school users to be able to enter certification or credential numbers on the Preceptor or Clinical Instructor’s behalf.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Add Check for SMC23 Courses for Managing Student Categories

Previously, the Manage Student Categories feature would be automatically present when courses were created as SMC23 courses or had a scenario class. This change separates those conditions from the presence of the feature. This means School and Course Admins can then choose whether or not they will utilize the restrictions regardless of how their courses were constructed.

Check out the video below to see it in action!