New Features: February 5th, 2023

February 5th, 2023 Features

Save States in the General Report

If you have a specific way you like to use the General Report then this feature is for you! Now when you make changes to the general report, they will be saved for that session so you can go back and not have to re-enter the information you would like to see. If you no longer want to see that configuration of the report you can simply click the “return to default layout” button on the right-hand side and it will reset the report!

Upload Files into Custom Forms

With this feature if you have images and/or documents you would like for your students or faculty to have access to you can now add them! Among the form controls, you will now see a couple of new options to add. Those being “document” and “image”. Simply click those options and you can either drag and drop those files in or simply click the prompt to bring up your files.

Check out the video below to see it in action!