NEW FEATURES: January 2019 General Reports Update, Update to Manage Student Categories, Add Export Feature to Form Reports, PCR Form can now be turned off, Batch Edit Student Categories, Preceptor Returned Documentation Tab

General Reports now have Templates

Within the General Reports section there has been some updates that directly affect Templates.

There are now student, preceptor, and site/location templates to choose from. The very first template called Student Skills Matrix.

This is the report that most users are already familiar with as it is the default report.

**Note: These templates are subject to change at any time to benefit the customers.

There are more details in the video below pertaining to the general reports.

Manage Student Categories Update

Navigate to Manage Student Categories as a School Administrator or Instructor. After that select a course. You will notice only a small number of courses are listed.

This is because courses only appear in the list if they have a scenario class within them.

Next, after selecting a course, students only appear if they are in a scenario class within the course.

Lastly, under the students name are the categories that are already turned on for the student.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Add Export Feature to Form Reports

As a School Administrator or Instructor if you navigate to reports and select the bottom right one called Form Reports. Run a report on a form and you will notice a new feature. Located in each section of the form is a Download button to download to excel. Then at the bottom you can Print and Export the entire form.

PCR Form can now be turned off

Located in the School Administrator role in Courses/Classes/Sites Manage Course Classes. Within a Clinical or Field Internship class settings you will find a new toggle switch that will allow you to disable our PCR PDF documents from showing on the students side. This is a class specific toggle switch so you have the option to have it on in one class and off in another.

General Reports show Scenario Skills

Within General Reports there are some new skills that are appearing. They aren’t necessarily new, but they never showed it the past. Scenario Skills can now be found in General Reports!

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Batch Edit Student Categories

Many instructors use this feature in every paramedic cohort they are instructing in. Students are in a scenario, but can’t sign up for Clinicals.

Well we made a new menu option that makes selecting categories easier. If you go to Manage Users/Requests as a school administrator, or Classes/Students as an Instructor and select Manage Student Categories. You can now select multiple categories, and students all at once and save.

Preceptor Returned Documentation Tab

Located within the preceptor role you will notice a couple of new things. First, if documentation has been returned to the preceptor. They will see a notification on Platinum Planner’s homepage saying 1 returned documentation to approve. If they select the documentation, they will be brought to the opportunities table and the Returned tab will be auto selected for them.

This will then make it easier for them to decipher which shift is which.

Report Upgrades!

Located in the School Administrator, Instructor, and Student roles you will notice a New Toggle Switch within Progress Reports. The switch is called “include pending hours/points” and “exclude pending hours/points”.

If excluded, the report runs just like it did in the past with what documentation has been approved. If included, the report will show pending skill points that have been submitted and also pending hours that students have documentation that is upcoming to fill out.

*Note: When including hours/points the Progress bar calculates the totals of the pending, adjusted, and completed skills/hours.

Also within the General Report you will notice some changes. When you select General Report and click on the Course Drop Down menu. The courses are separated by Active and Inactive. It also shows how many students are in the course.

Below that is a new feature in the works that will automatically set your general reports based on the templates we put in there. Currently there is only the default one.

Highly recommend watching the video on this section as there are a lot of neat things you can do with this report.

EMSTesting Student Results for Level 4 Result Details

We have heard that some student are having difficulties deciphering what questions they got right and wrong when viewing the Questions and Answers on an exam with Level 4 Result Details turned on.

So we added in a second column within these results. First column is labeled as Correct and the second is labeled as Student.

Signing up for Clinicals as a Student Upgrade!

Within the student role in Available Opportunities there used to be a button called View Progress above the search button. We removed that and upgraded this view.

Now when a student goes to Available Opportunities they will see a small table below the search bar. This will show all the categories that are Locked, Incomplete, Optional, and Completed for their hours requirements within the course. They will be able to select the category to do a quick filter of the available opportunities.

At the top of the table is another tab that is labeled View Hours Progress. This will give them a quick snapshot of how many hours they need to complete the hours requirements for the course. They can also sort the opportunities by selecting the categories within this section.

Calendar Date Selection

Now if you click on your calendar. You can select the Month/Year and be able to select the starting date to end date of the view you would like to see.

Check out the video below to see it in action!