June 27th, 2021 Features

Provide a progress preview before submitting documentation

As a student documenting Labs or Opportunities on Submit the student will see the new container callled Skill Progress.
This shows the student where they can be if this documentation is approved.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

June 13th, 2021 Features

Summary Tracking Report Enhancements

To make the summary tracking report more readable we have formatted the color of the number values to:

  • Green if complete
  • Red for incomplete
  • Black for no requirement

When exporting the report to excel the background of those values change to the color of completion and required. So green greater than completed equals green background with black font value. This is much easier on the eyes for identifying where a student is at in their progression.

The second method to meet a girl on the street and start a relationship is more technical. As a rule, it is more intended for those guys who are already theoretically savvy in this matter. In addition, a man is required to have a clear awareness of the dating process itself, which is based on basic knowledge of female psychology, as well as the ability to use certain practical doublelist houston non-verbal techniques. For example, to correctly position the body of the body, to be able to correctly touch the object of desire, to instantly gain confidence, etc.

Additionally, we added in the skill classification to the skills themselves on the report and export. So that skill that you couldn’t tell if it was a Live or Clinical skill well now it displays Live or Clinical based on its classification.

Airway Management Observed Skills don’t count against Consecutive Attempts

It recently came up in a conversation that Observed airway management skills count against the Airway Management Progress Reports Consecutive Attempts and resets this field. The education team said this shouldn’t happen unless the skill was unsuccessful. So “Observed” airway management skills no longer count against that report.

Student Lab Documentation can be filtered by Course/Class as an Instructor

As an instructor if you navigate to Labs/Student Documentation you will notice there is a new filter option that lets you filter the documentation based on Course/Class and whether it is Active or Inactive.

Hours Requirements Organized for readability

As a School Admin/Dashboard/Edit Course if you select Platinum Planner Tab and Hours Requirement tab you will notice that “Category Hour Requirements” is now located above “Class Hour Requirement”. Also, we tagged Class Hour Requirement with (Optional) as it isn’t required but just an option.

Class Group Creation Enhancements

Finally, as a School Admin/Dashboard/Edit Course if you select Class Groups. You can’t create Empty Groups any longer. However, we added a “No Classes” option when approving students in your course if you want to manually add them in the future. This just help Class Groups being utilized with classes instead of accidentally creating empty groups and accepting students into them.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

The second area that attracts maximum attention with its scale, luxury and variety of offerings is Atlantic City in the state of New Jersey.All fans of gambling know that in the USA you should definitely play slot machines or cards on Indian reservations. After the permission of Native Americans to organize gambling establishments in 1988, this area of ​​business began to actively develop here. From 1989 to the present, more than 300 casinos have been built on reservations.