NEW FEATURES: May 2019 Scenarios Approve/Reject Button has moved & Enhance Student UI

Scenarios Approve/Reject Button has moved!

Instructors we have moved the Approve and Reject buttons you were familiar with while documenting scenarios.

Now when documenting a scenario you will notice another tab towards the top of the documentation called Approve/Return/Reject. Click there to Approve or Reject.

We moved it here because it will give you a couple notifications if Skills weren’t filled out or if Forms were not filled out.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

Lab Creation, Live Skills, and CoAEMSP Airway Report!

We have made a few more enhancements to the site to benefit the students overall experience with the site.

First, if the school allows students to create their own labs, students that are only in “One” lab class will no longer need to select the class during creation. The site auto-selects the class. Also, during creation, the student can add their Peer Reviewer. This will reduce the amount of clicks needed.

Second, when documenting an Opportunity as a Paramedic student. The students following Appendix G may have noticed the button “Add Skill” in the patients tab. We’ve changed the text to be friendlier to “Add Live Skill” and when hovered over we offered some help text.

Last, Paramedic students can now access the CoAEMSP Airway Management Report. Just click Reports and the new option is right there!

Check out the video below to see it in action!