October 2021 Features

October 31st, 2021

ALS/BLS Call Summary in General Report

As a School Administrator or Instructor you now have the ability to determine the number of ALS or BLS calls a Paramedic student has during their Field Internships.
From the General Report, we can use the “Student Patients Matrix” template to then use the filter “Call Type” to see these numbers.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

October 2021 Features

October 17th, 2021

Provide a Clinical Hours Requirement

As a school admin you can now set Clinical Hour Requirements. Located in the dashboard, edit course, hours requirements there is new field specifically for clinical hours. Set the requirement and you can see the results in the progress reports.

Check out the video below to see it in action!

October 3rd, 2021

Option to automatically add students to future opportunities

Have you ever wanted to allow students to create Future Shifts and then just automatically be accepted into them without any approval? Well now you can if you are a school admin.

Consequently, even if you were the most Adult dating online person in the future, it won’t stop us from getting to know someone. Let’s think, then, about how we will present ourselves.
You can’t tell from the quality of the questionnaire whether you can “glue” someone together for a week, a month, or a few years; relationships depend on both, and we need to find a partner so that even at a minimum distance you remember them as “a good person who just didn’t work out.”

Edit the course, then class and turn on the new setting “Automatically accept students into future opportunities.”

That’s all. Now when the students create shifts in the future for that class they will be automatically accepted.

Show already enabled Class forms when creating clinical opportunities

Adding forms to classes is very beneficial to all users. However an instructor could also add the same form to a batch of opportunities thus duplicating the forms for the students view.

To alleviate this now when an instructor creates/edits opportunities they will see all class enabled forms at the bottom of the forms tab.

They can’t edit them but they can see them.

Check out the video below to see it in action!