NEW FEATURES: September 2018

Peers being able to track with Minimums set to 0.

Student’s Pending Enrollment Message has been Updated!

School Admin

We heard that some schools wanted to allow students to use the Peer Review option, but not necessarily count in the progress reports. It is possible now! All a school administrator needs to do is set the Peer Minimum to 0 at the course and class level. Then students can use the peer review option and it won’t count in the reports.


Now when students enroll into their course, the Pending Status message has been updated so the student knows what to do next.

Please check out this video to see it in action.

Print Forms and Custom Forms

School Admin and Instructors

Now if you login to Platinum Planner and navigate up to Options and select Manage Forms. You will notice a new option in the Actions column called “View”. If you select view, you can scroll down and select print.

The bonus is that you can now print off your Custom made forms.

Please check out this video to see it in action.

Professional Characteristic Assessment

Students now have a new assessment test to take called Professional Characteristic Assessment. As soon as they login to their EMSTesting role and are on their EMSTesting student homepage. They can find this in the center middle box for assessments.

Once finished, the instructor or school administrator can login and view these assessment results. All they have to do is select the course or class and click the Student Assessments button. Then click the Character tab.