The Platinum Advantage: Secure Testing 18,000 Secure Tests Delivered and Counting

In March 2015, we decided to offer our customers the opportunity for advanced security testing. Our development team installed Platinum Secure Testing by Respondus Lockdown Browser for Since then the feature has allowed teachers around the globe the ability to deliver high stakes exams in an environment that “locks down” the test takers computer […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, when I go to create new clinical opportunities, I’ve noticed new options titled “Sign Up By Start Date” and “Sign Up By End Date”. What do these do?

A: The “Sign Up By End Date” is just a renaming of the “Sign Up By” option that was there previously. This lets you set the minimum number of days in advance for a student to sign up for an opportunity. Entering the number “7” would mean that students can sign up for an opportunity […]

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Effectively Manage Students Experiencing Program Difficulty

by Tom Gottschalk, COO As an EMS instructor/coordinator I can honestly say that the task of taking new candidates from civilian life to qualified EMS providers is an enormous undertaking. Whether we are training an academy of Emergency Medical Responders for police work or in the business of educating tomorrows Paramedics, I believe we have […]

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EMSTesting & PlatinumTests now offers Platinum Secure Testing for the iPad!

In February 2015 Platinum Educational Group partnered with Respondus Lockdown Browser for secure online testing in EMSTesting and PlatinumTests. We are proud to announce that we now offer Platinum Secure Testing for the iPad! The iPad Edition* of “LockDown Browser” (available free from iTunes) enables a student to use an iPad to take exams that […]

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How does meet CoAEMSP requirements?

As you may already know, CoAEMSP came out with a new Interpretation of the Standards and Guidelines in August 2015. Below is an explanation of how helps you meet/exceed these requirements. Admission Testing CoAEMSP Requirements and/or Interpretations: Other dimensions of the program may merit consideration such as the admission criteria and process, the curriculum […]

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Learning Styles: Situating my Students to Maximize Success

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.” ~Eartha Kitt In the September Platinum Post we discussed What Type of Teaching is best in EMS? This month we dedicated an article that describes the different types of learners. So, instead of trying to determine which way is best to teach, maybe […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, when my students sign up for EMS clinical opportunities, a new message appears next to the “Category” saying: “EMS – These are intended for EMS ride along time aka Field Experience and not Field Internship”. What does that mean?

A: Our programmers have recently updated the website to allow Field Internship Capstone hours to be tracked separately from standard field experience, or “EMS” hours. To adjust your hour requirement settings, simply log into the site and make sure your role is set to “School Administrator” or “School User”. Then go to “Courses/Classes/Sites” in the […]

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Q: I Can’t Find the Answer In My Book?

by Doug Smith, CEO A: This along with “What textbook do you use?”, “Where is this referenced in the Textbook?”, or “My textbook says___” are common comments and questions we hear. I think describing how Platinum Educational Group develops and validates its questions may help answer these questions. Platinum Educational Group started by writing at […]

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Does your program need access cards?

It’s that busy time of year again! Many programs still need to get or Platinum Planner access. There are three ways students can gain access into our programs: 1. EMS programs can purchase student access credit or cards directly through Platinum Educational Group; then the students reimburse through tuition or lab costs. 2. Students […]

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Q: It looks like the student signup page for Shared Sites has changed. How is it different from the way it was before?

A: Previously, students would go to sign up for a shared site opportunity and be presented with 3 bars for the date they were looking at. There was one bar for the availability of the site, one bar for the availability of the student, and a bar in the center that would show if both […]

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