Q: My students use mobile devices for their skill documentation. Is there a way for them to avoid downloading PDF’s for documentation purposes?

A: Yes, a new custom HTML form builder has been added to Platinum Planner. The form builder can be found within the administrative and teacher roles under “Options” in the black tool bar.

The form builder allows for administrators and teachers to build custom forms, skill check off sheets, preceptor and student evaluations, etc. Forms can be attached to custom skills by choosing the forms tab within “Add/Manage School Skills”. Forms can also be attached to a class, and to do so go to “Manage Course Classes”, select edit, click on the forms tab, and choose the forms you would like to attach along with the recipients of the forms (students, preceptors, or both).

You may also notice we at Platinum have added 140+ forms to the program, which include the National Registry skill sheets, and all forms are readily available for you to use.

If you have any additional questions/comments do not hesitate to Contact Customer Support, or via phone at 616-818-7877.