Q: One of my students was accidentally accepted into the wrong course. How do I transfer them to another course?

A: In Platinum Planner, PlatinumTests, and EMSTesting, it is not possible for School Administrators or Instructors to transfer a student from one course to another. If a student is accepted into the wrong course and their enrollment fee is paid, and they then sign up for and are accepted into the correct course, the program […]

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Preparing and Identifying Candidates: Formative Vs. Summative Exams

By Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator Allied Health, EMS and Nurse educators are tasked with preparing and identifying candidates who are qualified for their chosen profession. Plus, they are mandated to assure their learners can pass their credentialing exams the first time. One of the ways a program can confirm that they have met their […]

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Q: In EMSTesting, how do I share a test I’ve created with another instructor in my program?

A: To Share a test you’ve created with another instructor in your program, click on “Manage Tests” from your Instructor Home page within EMSTesting.com, and then click “edit test” to the right of the test you’d like to share. When the “Edit Test Settings” page appears, check the box marked “Share this test with other […]

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Q: Is there a way in Platinum Planner for students to cancel opportunities they have signed up for that they are unable to attend?

A: No. Only instructors have the ability to remove a student from an opportunity they are assigned to. This is primarily done to prevent students from accidentally cancelling an opportunity they did not mean to cancel, and to prevent frustration from clinical sites. For example, if 12 students signed up for ride time opportunities at […]

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How Do I Best Use the Curricula?

By Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator EMSTesting uses four different curricula. We will be reducing the curricula to three, eliminating the NR2011. I will explain more below: NR2011 The NR 2011 is the National Registry Practice Analysis that was released in 2011. This should no longer be used at all and we plan on removing […]

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If you are a school or an instructor role in our programs you can now give your students a course code. The Course Code will allow students to enroll directly into your school, program and course without the confusion of having to choose and find programs. We highly recommend its use for your students to […]

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NEW FEATURES: February 2018

Platinum Planner New Features Platinum Planner Mobile App We continue to add many new features to our mobile app. Along with these new features we have updated our interface to support more modern phones like the iPhone X! Signature Field Available on Custom Forms When you create a custom form as a school or instructor […]

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NEW FEATURES: December/January 2018

Platinum Planner New Features Form Defaults Schools using Platinum Planner can decide if they want to use the system form defaults or not. This option is disabled by default, meaning you must check the checkbox for “Ignore form defaults” when editing a course. Report Upgrades Platinum has upgraded some of our reporting for Platinum Planner! […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, is there a place I can check to see if I have skills turned on at the class level that I’m requiring for the course?

A: Yes! Our programmers recently added the ability to run an audit on the skills within a course to see if there are any skills that are required for a course, but that haven’t been enabled for any classes within that course yet. To access this as a School Administrator or a Course Instructor for […]

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