“That is not what my book says” (EMSTesting.com)

This article was previously published in our February 2014 Newsletter by Doug Smith, CEO In 2004 the National Registry published an update Practice Analysis that updated the 1994 Practice Analysis. This document identifies what practices and information an EMS provider should have in order to successfully practice in the field. It is this document that […]

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Q: I’m confused and need help, how do I get it?

This article was published in our February 2014 Newsletter, by Ryan Krebs, PlatinumPlanner.com Customer Advocate Q: I’m confused and need help, how do I get it? A: The quickest and most reliable way to receive help is to use the help button located on the left hand side of all screens. By clicking on the […]

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Q: Batch edit, what is it? How do I use it? (PlatinumPlanner.com)

This article was published in our February 2014 Newsletter, by Ryan Krebs, PlatinumPlanner.com Customer Advocate Q: Batch edit, what is it? How do I use it? Batch edit is a newer feature that allows users to make mass edits/deletions. The mass edit button can be found within the Teacher role, on the My Opportunities page […]

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Q: I have a student who signed up for the wrong class and his instructor accidentally accepted his enrollment and added him to the class. How do I move the student to the correct class? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our November 2013 Newsletter by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Q: I have a student who signed up for the wrong class and his instructor accidentally accepted his enrollment and added him to the class. How do I move the student to the correct class? […]

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Q: One of our instructors is no longer teaching here. How do we assign their class to a different instructor? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our November 2013 Newsletter by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Q: One of our instructors is no longer teaching here. How do we assign their class to a different instructor? […]

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Q: I print off my tests for students to take offline. How do I figure out their cut-­score based grade for a paper and pencil test? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our August 2013 Newsletter by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Q: I print off my tests for students to take offline. How do I figure out their cut-­score based grade for a paper and pencil test? […]

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