Our Feelings On Test Randomization (EMSTesting.com)

This article was previously published in our August 2013 Newsletter We have had a certain request come up several times since our last newsletter and I’d like to take a few minutes and share our thoughts on the concept of test randomization. If we could all sit together and just talk you would find a […]

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Understanding EMSTesting.com Test Results

This article was previously published in our August 2013 Newsletter by Doug Smith, CEO In this article we will breakdown some of the information provided in your EMSTesting.com Class Test Results. First we will look at the Class Summative Results and what information you can obtain from this. The class Cut Score average was 61% […]

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Progressive Testing: What is it and why do I care? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was previously published in our May 2013 Newsletter by Doug Smith, CEO One of the mistakes many of us make when we prepare tests for our students is having too high of an expectation. When we finish Chapter 1, we offer the students a Chapter 1 test covering all levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, […]

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Q: My school requires that I allow students to retake tests and only the higher of the two grades will count toward their overall grade. How do I do this in EMSTesting.com?

This article was published in our January 2013 Newsletter, by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Q: My school requires that I allow students to retake tests and only the higher of the two grades will count toward their overall grade. How do I do this in EMSTesting.com? […]

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Q: Why can’t my students seem to get “Exceptional” rankings in all of their computer adaptive testing categories? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our January 2013 Newsletter, by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Q: Why can’t my students seem to get “Exceptional” rankings in all of their computer adaptive testing categories? […]

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Q: When creating a class or creating a test a new provider level called “WMIP” shows up. What is this? (EMSTesting.com)

This article was published in our January 2013 Newsletter, by David Smith, EMSTesting.com Customer Advocate Note: As of February 2018, this feature is now deprecated in our programs. Q: When creating a class or creating a test a new provider level called “WMIP” shows up. What is this? […]

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