Hello EMS Instructors and Program Directors!

by John Zimmer, Client Relations Manager One of my functions here at Platinum Educational Group, is to conduct “audits” of how our clients use our two programs – EMSTesting and Platinum Planner. We have started these audits so ensure our clients are using our programs to their fullest while increasing our clients’ overall satisfaction in […]

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Q: My card does not work, what can I do?

by Tom Gottschalk, COO A: Routinely our customer service advocates manage help requests that begin with something like, “My card does not work” via our Zendesk support portal. This particular report often can be broken down into four main categories when we discover what you really mean by that statement. The candidate is using a […]

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Why Replace a Paper Based Scheduling/Skill Tracking System?

by the Sales Team Accreditation requirements should not be your only reason to adopt an online solution for scheduling and skill tracking. Consider replacing your current paper based system with an efficient and proven scheduling and skill tracking software solution. You have several options and should take the time to review them to see what […]

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Q: I added skills to my Course in PlatinumPlanner.com but my students cannot find them in an opportunity or lab?

by David Smith, Customer Service Advocate A: If you are certain that you added the skills to the course, then check to make certain you also added the skills to the class. Go to “edit class” and click on “display all” in the upper right corner of your screen. You will then have access to […]

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Q: My student submitted an opportunity in PlatinumPlanner.com but I cannot find it anywhere on the teacher side!

by David Smith, Customer Service Advocate A: Check to see if the student submitted opportunity became disassociated with the class that the student is enrolled in. If the opportunity is no longer linked to the class, and you are not the teacher, the system does not “know” to send the documentation to you. You can […]

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Q: I am a student and I signed up for an opportunity in PlatinumPlanner.com but I do not see it on my calendar.

by David Smith, Customer Service Advocate A: Check the opportunity details to see if the opportunity requires teacher approval. An opportunity waiting for teacher approval will not show until it is approved. Click here to see the next new Q&A! […]

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Q: I am a teacher and I created a class in PlatinumPlanner.com that I can see, but my students do not see it to enroll! What’s wrong?

A: Most likely the answer to this dilemma is that the field “Maximum Students” was left at 0. Therefore, the program thinks the class is “full” and not available for enrollment. This is easily fixed by going to “Manage Course Classes” and selecting the red “Edit” link to the far right of the class in […]

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Q: The students in our program are actually enrolled in multiple concurrent classes in the same course(ex. Cardiology, Airway, Preparatory, etc., all being a part of “Paramedic 2015”) and we need these to all have separate grade books. Is this possible?

by David Smith, Customer Service Manager A: Yes, however, it does require the help of the support team. We understand that cohorts will often be enrolled in multiple concurrent classes within a course, and that suggesting that students pay for each class segment is a great way to cause a mutiny! We try to avoid […]

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Q: Is there a way to randomize test questions between students so that each student is answering the same questions on a test but in a random order?

by David Smith, Customer Service Manager A: No. The reason for this is that you lose a lot of validity and standardization in your testing. It may seem reasonable that, since everyone is answering the same questions, one test would be just as difficult as another. Here’s an example of why this might not necessarily […]

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