Q: I used to have accounts in both Platinum Planner and EMSTesting. When I log in now though on my dashboard it only shows one of the two programs. Why can’t I access my account for the other program?

A: The impetus behind the Single Sign-On update was to allow users to access both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner accounts by just logging in once with a single email address and password. The way we did this was by linking together accounts that had the same email address, since email addresses are unique and names […]

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Platinum Planner Enhances Reporting with New Skills Tracking Options

The new Platinum Planner skills tracking options have been included where applicable in our Progress Report, National Registry Portfolio Progress Report and in our Student Patient Contact Matrix (Appendix G). Note: The old Appendix G & H have been combined by CoAEMSP and have been moved to our former reports tab. Remember, the total number […]

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Platinum Planner Adds New Skill Tracking Options!

Please Note: The following enhancement will be added to Platinum Planner on Sunday, July 31, 2016. When a School Administrator in Platinum Planner sets up a Course or a Class they will now see new skill options under the Skill Requirements Tab in Lab Skills, Scenario Skills and Clinical Skills tabs. Previously, we only had […]

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PEG Single Sign-In Feature is now live

Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce to our customers its upcoming single sign-in feature for all our products! This change will occur on the morning of Sunday, July 3rd, 2016. The single sign-in feature will allow you to have access to all of Platinum Educational Group’s products with one email and password. Once you […]

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Q: I’ve set up a series of opportunities for my Paramedic students to sign up for, but they can’t see them as available on their end. They are also enrolled in a scenario class. Why can’t my students sign up for clinical opportunities?

A: If you are an instructor who has made clinical opportunities for the students to sign up for, but the students are unable to see them, this could be because of how scenario classes work. If the students in this course are also in a scenario class, this makes what opportunities are available to students […]

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All of our Products. One Single Sign-in.

This article was published in our May 2016 Newsletter, by the Dev Team Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce to our customers its upcoming single sign-in feature for all our products! The single sign-in feature will allow you to have access to all of Platinum Educational Group’s products with one email and password. Once […]

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Q: As a student in Platinum Planner, when I go in to set up a lab, the “+ Create A New Lab” button isn’t available. How do I create my labs?

A: When going to #3 on the Getting Started Checklist “Manage My Labs”, or going to the “Labs” button in the black toolbar and selecting “My Labs”, there are two different reasons why the “+ Create A New Lab” button may not be available. The first is that the option may have been disabled for […]

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Our Customer Service Team – Excellence Personified

This article was published in our May 2016 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO If we asked our customers five years ago what they envisioned Platinum Educational Group as, they would have likely had two perspectives. The first was that there were these two guys (Doug and Tom) who owned and operated a software company in […]

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