If you are a school or an instructor role in our programs you can now give your students a course code. The Course Code will allow students to enroll directly into your school, program and course without the confusion of having to choose and find programs. We highly recommend its use for your students to […]

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NEW FEATURES: February 2018

Platinum Planner New Features Platinum Planner Mobile App We continue to add many new features to our mobile app. Along with these new features we have updated our interface to support more modern phones like the iPhone X! Signature Field Available on Custom Forms When you create a custom form as a school or instructor […]

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NEW FEATURES: December/January 2018

Platinum Planner New Features Form Defaults Schools using Platinum Planner can decide if they want to use the system form defaults or not. This option is disabled by default, meaning you must check the checkbox for “Ignore form defaults” when editing a course. Report Upgrades Platinum has upgraded some of our reporting for Platinum Planner! […]

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Prices Effective July 1, 2018

July 2018 Pricing Schedule Our pricing schedule will increase slightly in 2018. These increases will not affect training institutions, but students will see a nominal change. The increase is being done for several reasons including: To continue providing our customers with the most up-to-date technology and software programming. To continue providing our customers with the […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, is there a place I can check to see if I have skills turned on at the class level that I’m requiring for the course?

A: Yes! Our programmers recently added the ability to run an audit on the skills within a course to see if there are any skills that are required for a course, but that haven’t been enabled for any classes within that course yet. To access this as a School Administrator or a Course Instructor for […]

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National Online Software Leaders Work Together to Meet Technical Colleges and Higher Education Institutional Needs

GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. – As a leader in assessment, clinical tracking, scheduling, and reporting for nursing, allied health, and EMS institutions, Platinum Educational Group understands the importance of keeping track of students’ needs on one online platform. This also includes background checking and screening. Platinum is pleased to announce its new collaboration with Corporate Screening, […]

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NEW FEATURE: Class Groups and how to add Students to them

With the Unified Course/Class release on August 13, 2017, Platinum also released the ability for School Administrators to add students into Class Groups before student enrollment. Class Groups are groups under a “Class” that can be used to organize or group students. After payment, the student would go directly into this group. Note: Class Groups […]

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Platinum Educational Group and Corporate Screening

On August 13th, 2017 Platinum Educational Group released it’s Unified Course/Class feature. Along with this feature, we also now offer the ability to integrate your School or Course with Corporate Screening for student background screening. If you are unfamiliar with Corporate Screening, we have provided some information below on the company, the services they offer […]

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2017 EMS, Nursing, & Allied Health Student Scholarships Recap and Awardee Announcement!

Platinum would like to thank all the students that took the time and effort to apply for our student scholarships. There were so many great essays to choose from! But, in the end, three students rose above and were rewarded. The 2017 scholarship awardees are: EMS: Ethel Ventura, When Seconds Count Program, MA Nursing: Peggy […]

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NEW FEATURE: Unified Courses/Class Creation between all PEG Products!

By the Dev Team Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce the launch of one of its most requested features, the ability to create courses in EMSTesting and PlatinumTests! Now that we have courses in all of our products we thought we would make it easier by merging all course creation capabilities into a single […]

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