New Features: July 9, 2024 – EMS UPDATE

July 9, 2024 Features Update   Piloting of New TEI Question Types in CAT We are pleased to inform you that we are introducing new Technology Enhanced Items content, which includes a range of additional question types, into the computer adaptive testing environment. This update will provide students with an opportunity to engage with items […]

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New Features: May 5th, 2024

May 5th, 2024 Features Redundancy of School Receipts In addition to the regular messaging and notifications that will continue to be sent when transactions are completed in the system, there is a new column on the school’s Transaction History tab. The new column contains links that will display the corresponding transaction’s receipt. […]

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New Features: January 28th, 2024

January 28th, 2024 Features   Add a Way to View Retest Scores When Viewing Class Test Results Previously, when instructors would award student retests in EMSTesting and Platinum Tests, the system would only maintain the timestamps for the students’ previous attempt’s answers not overall scores. The information provided would make it possible for instructors to recalculate […]

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New Features: November 19th, 2023

November 19th, 2023 Features   Allow Instructors to Leave Feedback for a Question When Editing a Test When Instructors are building and editing tests, they will see a new Feedback option in the dropdown to the right of the items on the Test Questions tab. With this new option they can submit questions and comments […]

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New Features: October 22nd, 2023

October 22nd, 2023 Features   Allow Viewing/Printing of Test Blueprints Now when instructors are creating or editing tests in EMSTesting or Platinum Tests, if their test already has questions on it, they will see a new Test Blueprint tab. This tab will display the Curriculum Breakdown of the test’s current content. Users may see up […]

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