Culling the Herd: Changing our Industry One Classroom at a Time

This article originally appeared in our November 2016 Newsletter by John Spencer, Customer Support Manager, Lead Medical Educator EMS professionals are those that people call when they are sick, injured, or in need of some type of help. They are granted intimate access into people’s homes and lives. People trust them to see them when […]

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Group Testing with EMSTesting & PlatinumTests: A Classroom Application

This article was published in the September 2016 newsletter by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator How many times have you heard that you must attach emotion to the learning process in your classroom? We know that emotion helps to move new information from temporary storage to long term memory and we try to incorporate activities, […]

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Preceptors (Trained versus Verified)

This article was published in the September 2016 newsletter by Doug Smith, CEO, Medical Educator Preceptors play a critical role in the education and training of our students. From the hospital to the pre-hospital setting where students are provided with the opportunity to perform skills under the watchful eye of an experienced clinician where the […]

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The Importance of Situational Awareness

Greetings fellow educators. Last month, during an NRA safety class, our instructors discussed at length situational awareness (SA). While I had heard the term before in firefighter related training, I was ignorant to what it really meant. When I reviewed the topic afterwards, I found it very interesting when trying to understand people’s state of […]

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New Progress Reports Feature in Platinum Planner!

This article was published in the September 2016 newsletter by Tom Gottschalk, COO, Medical Educator Last month’s article revolved highlighted gems at many instructors do not utilize but could if they wanted to. (See article here) This month, I am going to steer our colleagues to an exciting new tool hot off the developer’s […]

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Platinum Announces New Beta Feature at NAEMSE: Group Testing in EMSTesting!

On Sunday, July 31st, 2016 Platinum Educational Group unveiled a new beta feature in titled “Group Testing.” This new testing feature will be shown at the NAEMSE Conference the first week of August 2016 in Fort Worth, Texas. What is Group Testing? Group Testing is a way to add a group trivia experience to […]

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Q: In Platinum Planner, how do I change my password?

A: Before the Single Sign-On update, once you logged into Platinum Planner all you would need to do is go to My Account near the top-right of the page and you could enter a new password there. Now that accounts are linked in both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner, you need to go to to […]

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Q: I used to have accounts in both Platinum Planner and EMSTesting. When I log in now though on my dashboard it only shows one of the two programs. Why can’t I access my account for the other program?

A: The impetus behind the Single Sign-On update was to allow users to access both EMSTesting and Platinum Planner accounts by just logging in once with a single email address and password. The way we did this was by linking together accounts that had the same email address, since email addresses are unique and names […]

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Platinum Planner Enhances Reporting with New Skills Tracking Options

The new Platinum Planner skills tracking options have been included where applicable in our Progress Report, National Registry Portfolio Progress Report and in our Student Patient Contact Matrix (Appendix G). Note: The old Appendix G & H have been combined by CoAEMSP and have been moved to our former reports tab. Remember, the total number […]

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