Exciting News from the CEO!

This article was published in our December 2014 Newsletter, by Doug Smith, CEO We are just finishing up our latest upgrades to Platinum Planner. You should see major positive changes in the reports section as well as an easier lab and opportunity creation and sign up process. We have instituted a Monday Webinar Update program […]

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Class Test Results, Individual Student Results and Class Detailed Results in EMSTesting.com

This article was published in our December 2014 Newsletter, by Tom Gottschalk, COO Many EMS teachers and program directors will seek out help from our customer service advocates around the time they need help defending their testing practices. In fact, I believe this is one of the main motivators for adopting our system for their […]

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New Features Added to PlatinumPlanner.com!

This article was published in our October 2014 Special Edition Newsletter, by Doug Smith, CEO We thought this would be a great time to let you know about some of the new features available in PlatinumPlanner.com. Many of you have requested these new features, and we thank you for your feedback on making PlatinumPlanner.com even […]

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Platinum Expands the Capability of Platinum Planner to allow Scheduling and Skill Tracking Across All Educational Programs

Many training programs require some type of internship/residency/apprenticeship in order for the candidate to practice and learn in a safe environment prior to going out on his or her own to function as a competent licensed or certified provider. Coordinators spend countless hours juggling calendars, spreadsheets, documents, emails, and other various methods of trying to […]

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Platinum Educational Group Rolls Out Platinum Planner Portfolio Project

Projected September 2016, the National Registry will begin allowing students who have completed an accredited Paramedic program and have met the requirements of a portfolio equivalent program, the ability to participate in a scenario management station in lieu of some of the National Registry psychomotor skill examinations. The Registry psychomotor examination will then continue to […]

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PlatinumPlanner.com now supports the National Registry Portfolio requirements! What is Portfolio?

On August 10th, 2014 PlatinumPlanner.com released an improved version that now includes support for the National Registry Portfolio. What is Portfolio? While not a common question for many EMS program directors to ask today, we are certain it should be on the minds of most paramedic schools sending students on for NREMT Paramedic certification in […]

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EMSTesting.com EMT I85 Version 1.2 now comes with Annotation!

Platinum Educational Group is pleased to announce to our customers that we have added Annotation to the EMT I85 Version 1.2 in EMSTesting.com. For more updates and general information on EMSTesting.com and PlatinumPlanner.com, go to our blog! You can filter articles by month, year or tags by clicking on the links in the left navigation […]

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Platinum Educational Group has updated additional content in EMSTesting.com!

We want to let our customers know that we have added new content in EMSTesting.com. The following was added: Updated! 7/2/14 There are now an additional 13 12-Lead questions available in the paramedic bank. 7 of these are associated with identifying the rhythm and can be acquired using the Module, Topic, Objective method and selecting […]

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