NEW FEATURES: June 2019 Add a course option for “Enable Skill Documents”, License expiration field, Students can request to be removed from shifts

Add a course option for “Enable Skill Documents” Located on the Dashboard if you Edit your Platinum Planner course you will see a new option to Enable Skill Documents. This toggle will allow schools to hide the PDF documents that appear in the Lab documents and Opportunity Documents tab that are Associated with Skills. Students […]

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Q: One of my students was accidentally accepted into the wrong course. How do I transfer them to another course?

A: In Platinum Planner, PlatinumTests, and EMSTesting, it is not possible for School Administrators or Instructors to transfer a student from one course to another. If a student is accepted into the wrong course and their enrollment fee is paid, and they then sign up for and are accepted into the correct course, the program […]

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NEW FEATURES: May 2019 Scenarios Approve/Reject Button has moved & Enhance Student UI

Scenarios Approve/Reject Button has moved! Instructors we have moved the Approve and Reject buttons you were familiar with while documenting scenarios. Now when documenting a scenario you will notice another tab towards the top of the documentation called Approve/Return/Reject. Click there to Approve or Reject. We moved it here because it will give you a […]

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NEW FEATURES: April 2019 Students View Progress Update

Students View Progress Update To enhance the students view we have updated a few sections. As a student located in My Labs, My Opportunities, or Manage Scenario Documentation the students have the ability to select View Lab Progress, View Clinical Progress, and View Scenario Progress. Now, when selected it will give the students a snapshot […]

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NEW FEATURES: March 2019 Forms and Documents Location Change, Breaks, Sentinel Events and more…

Forms and Documents location has changed! Slightly! Located in the menu bar within Platinum Planner Instructors could go to Labs and select My Lab Documents. That has been removed. Now Instructors will navigate to Classes/Students and click Manage My Classes. Then select Details, and then the Skills tab. This is where all the documents and […]

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New CoAEMSP Interpretations

New Interpretations article continued / MARCH 2019 eUPDATE [The underlined language is the new approved language.] Standard III.A.2. Interpretation (second paragraph) The program must set and require minimum competency numbers of patient contacts for each listed category. Those minimum numbers must be approved by the Medical Director and endorsed by the Advisory Committee with documentation […]

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NEW FEATURES: January 2019 General Reports Update, Update to Manage Student Categories, Add Export Feature to Form Reports, PCR Form can now be turned off, Batch Edit Student Categories, Preceptor Returned Documentation Tab

General Reports now have Templates Within the General Reports section there has been some updates that directly affect Templates. There are now student, preceptor, and site/location templates to choose from. The very first template called Student Skills Matrix. This is the report that most users are already familiar with as it is the default report. […]

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NEW FEATURES: September 2018

Peers being able to track with Minimums set to 0. Student’s Pending Enrollment Message has been Updated! School Admin We heard that some schools wanted to allow students to use the Peer Review option, but not necessarily count in the progress reports. It is possible now! All a school administrator needs to do is set […]

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NEW FEATURES: August 2018

These are all the new features for August 2018 August 26th Students and Messaging Students can now send Messages when Signing up for Shifts that require approval. So if the school decides that the student must be approved before they can go on a shift. The student will have the option of adding in a […]

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