Looking for Help with our Programs?

by Ryan Krebs, Customer Service Advocate

I’m sure all of you at some point have said “I NEED HELP!” If you are at all like myself, than you too might have trouble asking for help when you really need it. My job is to ensure that never happens with you. I do not expect folks to know every aspect of the site. At some time you will have a question and I want to let you know the best possible way to get your answer.

On both PlatinumPlanner.com and EMSTesting.com you will notice a button on the left hand side of each page that says Help. Do not be afraid to press it! By pressing that button you will be presented with two ways to get in touch with us. The first is to use the chat feature, which is a great option for those folks that don’t have access to a phone, or simply don’t feel like talking. The second option is to submit a Support Request or a “ticket” as we commonly refer to them. Submitting a support request is probably the best way to get a quick answer as you are sending your request into multiple folks as opposed to one individual. Feel free to use whatever you are comfortable with, and for those of you that have not used the Help button give it a shot!

For those of you that prefer to call we have that covered as well. The number to call is 616-818-7877. We have Courtney who will answer the phone and direct you to the first available customer service advocate. There have been some other phone numbers that have been used in the past that are being phased out, so if you have any number other than the one mentioned above please make the necessary changes. We have coverage hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time, Monday thru Friday, that you will always have folks available to help you.

Another way to get some help on our sites is through our Help Manuals. For EMSTesting you will find them in the footer of each page. On Platinum Planner they are the first option listed on your getting started menu. The manuals on both sites are kept up to date with the most recent changes. These are great to reference when you forgot a step or are confused on what to do next, as everything you need to do on the site is laid out with easy to read instructions and screenshots. You will also find some answers to some frequently asked questions.

The final way to get some help is through our help videos for Platinum Planner. They are available by clicking the link in the blue banner near the top of the page. Our videos are hosted on YouTube so feel free to subscribe to our channel to ensure you are getting the most up to date information.

If you have any questions, you now know a variety of ways to find your answer. Do not be shy, we would love to hear from you!